The most important thing is the story. Stories connect us, heal us, teach us, and lift us. We celebrate stories, sometimes intimately, sometimes with crowds - but a story is only as good as its storyteller. Without question, Ricki Monique is one of the next great storytellers. With a visceral, intimate, and powerful lyrical style, she effortlessly combines elements of spoken word, hip-hop, soul, and jazz to weave witty rhymes with deep contemplations. Each track is undeniably authentic, straight from the soul. There isn’t a single note, word, or beat that isn’t fully “Ricki Monique”. Her tracks delve into complex, intimate topics. Ideas like artistic permanence, the intertwining of her story with stories of past and future, and the internal struggle of creating new art. Ideas that can sometimes crush an artist instead flourish under Monique’s style and lyricism.